CI Continuous integration
One repo or multiple repos
One repo better
One or multiple in the context of micro-services
Mono repository for micro service
What is Continuous integration / Continuous deployement
Continuous Integration (CI) : Push changes on developement server quickly and automatically so new changes can be tested earlier
Continous Deployement (CD) : Push changes on production server quickly and automatically so new changes can benefits to users earlier
All the infos here
The most important being :
The practice
Maintain a single source repository
Automate the build
Make your build self-testing
Every commit should build on an integration machine
Keep the build fast
Test in a clone of the production environment
Make it easy for anyone to get the latest executable version
Everyone can see what’s happening
Automate deployment
How to do it
Developers check out code into their private workspaces
When done, commit the changes to the repository
The CI server monitors the repository and checks out changes when they occur
The CI server builds the system and runs unit and integration tests
The CI server releases deployable artefacts for testing
The CI server assigns a build label to the version of the code it just built
The CI server informs the team of the successful build
If the build or tests fail, the CI server alerts the team
The team fixes the issue at the earliest opportunity
Continue to continually integrate and test throughout the project
Team responsibilities
Check in frequently
Don’t check in broken code
Don’t check in untested code
Don’t check in when the build is broken
Don’t go home after checking in until the system builds
Which CI server to choose
A comparison of continuous integration tools
Amazon AWS tutorial for contiuous integration
Last updated
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