Unit test & Angular
Tutorials on testing
The best tutorials suite (video + code) on Angular testing https://codecraft.tv/courses/angular/unit-testin
Rangle.io very clear book on angular included testing https://angular-2-training-book.rangle.io/handout/testing
Official document in angular site https://angular.io/guide/testing#testing-utility-apis
Practical tutorial in the context of angular https://semaphoreci.com/community/tutorials/testing-components-in-angular-2-with-jasmine
What is unit test and continuous integration http://taco.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/unit-test-01-primer
unit testing angular (Jasmine + Karma) https://codecraft.tv/courses/angular/unit-testing/jasmine-and-karma/
A bit old but great description of 3 types of tests to angular components by Victor Savkin https://vsavkin.com/three-ways-to-test-angular-2-components-dcea8e90bd8d
Angular testing recipes
A repository to an app with many testing case ordered by type https://github.com/juristr/angular-testing-recipes
Angular testing guide : good practicle documentation of test per types (component, service, pipes....)
In this article he explain 3 types of components testing :
isolated tests are a great way to test drive your components and test complex logic.
Shallow tests are isolated tests on steroids, and they should be used when writing a meaningful test requires to render a component’s template.
Integration tests verify that a group of components and services (e.g., the router) work together.
Testing component by rangle.io https://angular-2-training-book.rangle.io/handout/testing/components/
DebugElement vs fixture.debugElement
2 Ways to access the DOM inside unit test in angular
The code Of Debug element a wrapper on DOM API
Asynchronous problems
A question on tick and whenStable / How to deal with async data https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48328292/unit-testing-value-of-observable-returned-from-service-using-async-pipe
About using async and zone.js https://blog.nrwl.io/controlling-time-with-zone-js-and-fakeasync-f0002dfbf48c
Difference between async and test async https://github.com/juristr/angular-testing-recipes/blob/master/src/app/services/async.service.spec.ts
testing async as if there were not https://itnext.io/a-quick-tip-on-testing-observables-e2fbdebef4c
guide sur les tests asynchrones en francais https://guide-angular.wishtack.io/angular/testing/unit-testing/unit-test-asynchrone
Mocking dependencies
Good tutorial on the various strategy of mock....
Spying and mocking service https://medium.com/@shashankvivek.7/testing-a-component-with-stub-services-and-spies-in-jasmine-1428d4242a49
Testing services
Testing services with HttpTestingController https://medium.com/netscape/testing-with-the-angular-httpclient-api-648203820712
Testing service with https://www.techiediaries.com/angular-testing-httptestingcontroller
Overriding component : Testing component with child component
The same technic as explained in the angular test guide official https://angular.io/guide/testing#nested-component-tests
Override component in rangle.io tuto https://angular-2-training-book.rangle.io/handout/testing/components/overriding.html
Testing ngrx
Rangle.io version https://angular-2-training-book.rangle.io/handout/testing/redux/
Todd motto ultimate angular https://platform.ultimateangular.com/courses/ngrx-store-effects/lectures/3923987
Todd motto ultimate angular branch with test https://github.com/UltimateAngular/ngrx-store-effects-app/tree/27-testing-effects
Debugging test
open a chrome debugger in the karma launched chrome window a trick is that the error messages are something difficult to understand because of the fact that it refere to compile code transformed in ES5 like
at Object.reducer (webpack:///./src/app/platform/applicability/store/reducers/applicability.reducer.ts?:104:73)
by opening the chrome debugger
going to
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