Typescript recipes

Add any properties to an interface

By default, interfaces not allows other properties that those specified.

You can however allow custom properties by using the [key: string]: any; in an interface

Dynamic property name

interface Post {
    title: string; 
    visible: boolean; 
    // Allows any type
    [key: string]: any; 

You can also extend an existing interface

Original interface

interface Post {
    title: string; 
    visible: boolean; 

Extend interface

interface PostExtended extends Post {
    [key: string]: any;  

Override interface

You can also override an interface by replacing the way a given prop is defined

export interface TdProjectDisplay extends Omit { code: string; }

Ask typescript to ignore an error

let text: string
// the following error will be ignored! 
// @ts-ignore 
text = 2;

Object vs object vs {}

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